Java 2D

Example programs

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Programs mentioned in the book
ArcExample Ellipse arc and segment
AreaExample Union, intersection, difference and symmetric difference for areas
BufferedImageDrawer Generic class for the use of double buffering for drawing a BufferedImage
ConvexCombTransforms Animation based on convex combinations of transformations with an example of transforming two ellipses
CurveDemo Drawing of lines, quadratic and cubic curves
DoubleBufferingClockExample Animation with moving objects using double buffering with a moving clock as an example
DToCMorphing Transformation of one object into another. The objects are modelled by curves defined over control points. The letter D is transformed into the letter C.
GeneralPathCar Example of a GeneralPath for the silhouette of a car
GradientPaintExample Use of colour gradients
ImageLoadingExample Loading a JPEG image
ImageSavingExample Saving a JPEG image
LineEndings Line endings and joints for thick lines
MorphingCandS Uses the class TriangulatedImage for transforming two triangulated images into each other
MyFinishWindow Class for closing a window
NonSynchronizedClock Movements of a simple clock
RectangleEllipseExample Rectangle and ellipse
RotationExample Rotation
ScalingExample Scaling
ShearingExample Shear transformation
SimpleJava2DExample First Java 2D example program
SimpleLetterC Representation of the letter C with quadratic curves
SimpleLetterD Representation of the letter D with quadratic curves
StrokingExample Various dash patterns
TextExample Drawing and modifying text
Texture2DExample Drawing of textures
TransformationOrderExample Importance of the order for transformations
TransformationOrderExampleR Importance of the order for transformations
TransformationOrderExampleRT Importance of the order for transformations
TransformationOrderExampleT Importance of the order for transformations
TransformationOrderExampleTR Importance of the order for transformations
TranslationExample Translation
TriangulatedImage Class for triangulated images which can be transformed into each other by pixel and colour interpolation


Additional programs
CircleColouring Interpolated colouring along a semicircle (by V. Fischer and N.Isensee)
FHLogoMorphing Morphing the logo of our university into a rectangle (by V. Fischer and N. Isensee)
Kreisverlauf Interpolated colouring along a semicircle (by P. Plitzner, A. Kuligund and D.Behrwind)
Program for triangulation, shape and colour interpolation This file contains a tool for loading two images, triangulating them by mouse clicks and then morphing the first image into the second one as described in Chapter 4.7 of the book. The file includes a JDOM parser and is therefore quite large. After decompressing the file, it can be directly used as an Eclipse project. The main class is (By P. Miller and S. Günter)


Supplementary files
image1.jpg is used in MorphingCandS, ImageLoadingExample and Texture2DExample.
image2.jpg is used in MorphingCandS.

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